Sun damage is a common occurrence when the skin becomes overexposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The more time we spend outdoors, the more likely we are to develop sun spots, age spots, sunburn, and other similar concerns. Using sunscreen can help minimize this damage, but applying it every time you go outside can get really annoying. If you’re looking for a great skin rejuvenation treatment to improve the look of sun-damaged skin, look no further! At Refresh Med Spa LA, we’re ready to do all we can to help you maintain your beautiful complexion.
How Does Sun Damage Occur?
Sun damage is caused by too much exposure to UV rays. There are two types of UV rays that cause damage to the skin: UVA and UVB. UVA rays have long wavelengths and penetrate deep into the dermis, the skin’s thickest layer. Getting exposed to these rays without sunscreen can lead to premature skin aging and the appearance of skin sun spots. UVB rays are shorter in length, but can still damage the skin in significant ways. These rays usually burn superficial layers of your skin and play a big role in the development of skin cancer.

What Are the Signs of Sun Damage?
Symptoms of sun-damaged skin include age spots, wrinkles, and rough skin texture. When it comes to sun spot removal or any other type of skin care, it’s important to take a gentle treatment approach. At Refresh Med Spa LA, our professional team features experienced doctors who not only administer precise treatment but do so in as gentle a way as possible. Before any treatment takes place, however, we take the time to fully assess your skin care needs and determine the best course of action.
Refresh Med Spa LA Treatment Options
Our team at Refresh Med Spa LA offers several treatment options to address your sun damage symptoms. Everyone has different skin, but we all want it treated gently. At Refresh Med Spa LA, we can offer that along with ongoing support to ensure that you get the best skin care results. Some of our most commonly requested treatments for sun-damaged skin include:
Sun Damage Treatments in Woodland Hills, CA
If your skin has become overexposed to the sun’s rays, we’re here to help deliver a solution. At Refresh Med Spa LA we’re ready to provide you with the treatments you need to look and feel good once again. To contact our team, fill out the form below, or give us a call at 818-864-SKIN to set up your appointment. We look forward to meeting you!